Essential Libraries

How to Grow Schools through Libraries

Dr Mulyana when delivering material at the National Digital Library Workshop (Mulyanto/PWMU.CO)

PWMU.CO – Chairman of the Library and Information Council (MPI) Muhammadiyah Regional Leader (PWM) East Java Dr Mulyana SPd MPsi explained that growing a school through a library is easy.

“This is a form of responsibility you as a librarian. Libraries also play a very important role in growing schools,he explained at the event National Workshop Digital Library 2022, Saturday (12/3/22) at Rayz UMM Hotel Malang.

He explained that the school was great not only because its students had repeatedly won mathematics olympiads, IPA, or another Olympics. Enlarging schools can also be done through library development.

After this workshop event, he continued, We are scheduling a library competition between Muhammadiyah schools throughout East Java. We involve judges who are experts in the library field. Nah, from there will emerge good libraries. A good library can be used as a school promotional medium.

Muhammadiyah Vocational School Library 7 Gondanglegi is the most important facility for the progress of students in order to make the school's name bigger.

Growing the School

Mulyana explained that a good library could be a consideration for parents to send their children to Muhammadiyah schools.

The man born in Kediri said that school libraries could be used as an effective medium for improving schools.

“The way to do this is by holding literacy activities. One of them is providing writing coaching for students. After writing coaching, Then a short story writing competition was held,he explained.

From there, he continued, emerging students who are talented at writing. The student was then encouraged to publish a book.

Librarians Must Be Attractive

Mulyana emphasized that being a librarian does not have to be beautiful or handsome but has to be attractive. If librarians want to be successful, they must have charm. Likewise, schools must have attractiveness. The school must have a name positioning to create attraction.

“How to make Muhammadiyah schools attractive to the public. One of them is service,he said.

Mulyana continued that librarians must be able to innovate how to provide good service to users. Conditioning the library as a comfortable and attractive place to study is one form of service.

Looking at the Side of the Eye

Mulyana said that libraries should not be underestimated. Schools may not have canteens or other facilities, but schools must have libraries.

"In the RAPBS, libraries receive a budget allocation 5% from the school budget. The library has the right to receive the same treatment as in the school, Don't ignore the library,he said.

If the library were even more interesting, former principal Muhammadiyah Elementary School 4 Surabaya it suggests that libraries differentiate.

"Differentiation is important so that libraries attract more interest from visitors. Libraries must have a magnet or attraction to attract students or visitors. The Muhammadiyah library must be different from other school libraries,” he said.

What is no less important is, he continued, there is a mobile library. Muhammadiyah schools must be able to take advantage of this opportunity because by providing mobile library services it will bring Muhammadiyah Charities closer to the community,he stressed. (*)

Source of: 14 March 2022

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